boring tuesday and new business
May 09, 2006

Last night S asked me if I was planning on breaking up with him and I said I honestly could not tell him the truth at that point. So we are in the wait and see balance. I don't have my bag unpacked and still haven't decided if i want to unpack it.
The Nana wants me to move next door to her and asked me if I had three girl friends to pay the mortgage on it, which is $1700/mos. Yeah right! I can hardly afford my rent more a less a rent higher than $550/month. So we will see.
I am starting my own business, L & A Photogrpahy and I made business cards. Yeah you can see I'm doing nothing at work..he he
I miss talking to my friends on IM but I know they are busy. No worries. I'm busy too sometimes, but today I'm slacking.
I have a lunch meeting with my friend Jason about the photo shoot in PA. We will see what happens. But I'll stick some business cards around and see if I get any calls. Then I'd actually have to put a real portfolio together.
But peace out for today, going back to doing nothing and starting my business.
