Boring 4th
July 03, 2006

So it's Monday, the day beofre July 4th and I'm working till 1:30 then I'm leaving to give Comcast and their tech people a piece of my mind. Once again they are proving they are not Comcastic as their commercials say. I can't stand them. My cable and internet have been down all weekend. So I spent all afternoon on Saturday and Sunday here at work doing homework.
So tomorrow is July 4th. I have no plans. S and I took the baby Saturday night to see fireworks so it feels like going again tomorrow night would be redundant and also both of us have to work Wednesday so it's not like we can go out and get drunk. We could maybe go out tonight but doubt S will want to since it's hotter than hell today and he has to work.
But that's really all I have to report. My life is boring I know! The baby stayed all weekend and of course she and S got into it numerous times and I had to seperate them. She just is growing up way too fast for me. She'll be 6 in January and starting kindergarten this fall. My little baby is no longer a baby and I can't get past that. I can't hardly pick the kid up because she's up to my breasts in height. Very sad that I'm short.
Happy July 4th! Have a good one!
