Venting part II
July 10, 2006

OK getting back to me venting...
This weekend was nice except that everytime I leave town, even for an overnight, S is an asshole when I call him so he ruins my mood. Well this time I didn't let him ruin my mood. He can kiss my ass. I went down to VA sat. morning to get my car fixed for free since I needed new back brakes, oil and filter change and fule filter change. So my preggers girl's hubby did it and did it for free. Who can beat that price?
So we went to the river while I was down there and I got stung by a stinging nettle which is the equvalent to a jelly fish. Hurt like a mother fucker! So that was the only shitty thing other than S being a total dick.

But the cable finally got fixed but I still hate comacast. And always will.

And my mom is coming the end of July to stay with me for a few days while she's on her way to boston to drop my little brother's crap pff to him. I feel for my mom and everything but I don't want to have to super clean my house again like I did the last time, plus S will be in town and he has no idea about it. I think I won't say anything till the few days before hand.

And last night I was cheking my email and got a friends request from the dude that knocked me up when I was 18 and ran like hell when I told him I was preggers and was all alone and having to place the baby up for adoption. I looked at his page and he has a son. No shock there and the son is shocker there either! I was trying to read more of it but it was running slow and pissing me off. How can this dude have the balls to send me a message after what happened between us? I loved him so much and thought we were going to get married. He was my first. damnit, I can't beleive he came out of the woodwork again. And the bad thing is I can't look at myspace at work so I can't see what his page says till I get home. I should send him a message like, hey..looks like you have a son, so that makes 2 kids out there for you? But I don't want to do that because I've had a hard enough time dealing with the whole adoption thing. I can't tell S because he hates the fact I have myspace at all. He is such a controlling fucker. Only 2 months left on the lease.

I have been thinking lately, after the talk I had with the Nana, of moving to the west coast, like san diego. The nana and Tony S would as well move out there. The nana hates MD and we agree a change would be nice. But I don't know if I could move across the US. I've been on the east coast my whole life, but I need a change of scenery. I had always wanted to move back VA but I don't think I even want to do that anymore. Yes my friends are there but I can always fly back for a visit. Plus I only really talk to my preggers girl and my other girl carrie on occassion. We all have different lives so I'd rather kick the east coast and go somewhere else and make new friends. And maybe enjoy life. I am 25 and need to enjoy my life and my daughter needs to enjoy life as well. Imagine growing up on the beach? Nice. plus maybe I can find some hottie with money and live the life in Newport, like the people on the OC. Ha ha, just kidding. I'd be single so I can have a life. I would like to have another baby but I know I don't want one with S anymore. he's been such an ass I can't take it anymore.

I was watching something on tv last night that pissed me off. This lady was preggers and she was running this scam between two families. She said she wanted to place the baby up for adoption but she told the 2 families the same thing and took money from these 2 families and wasn't even who she said she was. It was such a slap in the face after placing my own child up for adoption to make a mockery of the situation. The families were both emotionally heartbroken and unless you have been there, you would never know the feeling the birth mother and the adoptive parents feel. I mean this girl ruined these people's dreams. And is such a scam artist. I wanted to slap the bitch.

Ok I better get some work done before they realize that I do nothing all day. I will be here for 1 year tomorrow! Happy anniversary to me.

Happy Monday! Hope everyone's weekend was nice.
