Brown bag anyone?
July 11, 2006

Ok so I have no life so I will continue ranting from the other few days. I have turned into a bitch. Not really a bitch per say, but more of a person who is super stressed out and no one to say "hey, want to use this brown bag to breathe into?"

As everyone knows I have a friend that is preggers and I'm the host for her baby shower. well this baby shower is turning out to give me a migraine each day I think of it. So now I just want to hide under a rock away from everyone on the East coast. I may end up tossing my moving to VA dreams away because now no one can get along. I may just up and go to the West Coast. And make new friends that can get along.

Here is the rest of my week and why I could hypervenilate and die:

I have invitations for my daughter's troop ceremony to send out and I need to finish them by Sunday. My friend renee will be dropping that to me on Saturday.
And I have 4 assignments due Saturday as well and take the baby out tomorrow evening.
Then I have GS on Thursday night, pick up the baby Friday and on Saturday take her and the 8 other kids in her troop to the fire house for a tour from 12-2pm on Saturday. Anyone see why I'm stressing out?

Ok time to get the hell out of this hot ass office. Thats the other thing, the AC is broken in the building and anyone without an office is effected (me and some lady that's like 80 who works PT). It's hot as shit so I'm becoming a little delirious.

Ok going to pick up the baby from camp...happy Tuesday!
