declined card..
August 15, 2006

Ok this entry may be longer than most entries because I have a lot to say.
The weekend was nice. S took me and the baby to dinner on saturday night at this nice restaurant and the baby was good till she got full and tired and couldn't find her crayons. Ok question for all parents out there..when you take your kids to restaurants do they insist on bringing their coloring page home with them? My child is obsessed with it and then forgets it's even at the house and ends up under junk on the table..what's the point? Or it ends up in the back of the car under junk.
And S also bought me the Nickleback CD I've wanted and the baby loves the song Side of a Bullet and she pretends she's the lead singer and guitarist and plays air guitar and makes me be the crowd and makes me scream woo-whoo and then I pretend to get back on stage with her...she belts out the lyrics and it's cute.
Sunday the baby and I went to breakfast at IHOP because I had a coupon then she went to her friends house and I picked up Tony Soprano's SL55 Mercedes convertible to use in the parade for work. I love that car. So fast. So then S wanted to drive it and we went to see the new will ferrell movie, not too impressed, some funny parts, but not as good as I thought it would be. But S loved the car and I was praying he didn't wreck it.
Then after the movie we went home, I took a nap and he went to the grocery store. Then I left for the fair parade. That was a big hassle. It was so disorganized. And it was hot and I had to keep walking back and forth trying to figure out where to bring the car and then the parade was shorter than I thought and then I had to park this car far far away from the area where we were and I was worried it would get stolen. But it didn't. I hate working at the fair. I felt like an outsider with my coworkers cause they are like the 25 year clique and they don't want outsiders. oh well. I went home and took a shower and passed out.
Then monday I got to the fair grounds at 7:30 am and waited till 9 to set this gay ass thing up for work. pain in the ass. No shade and it's hot as hell yesterday. So by 12:30 I had had it with the people I work with, disorganization and people who are paid the BIG bukcs not helping and I left and picked up the baby and we went back to the fair and had a nice day. I didn't go back to the office at all. I did my time on Sunday and yesterday so if anyone says anything I will go off...
Then this morning tradgedy hit my account, yes my bank account. I went to the gas station by the house and my card was declined and I had to walk back to the house to get money because S was gone already and I had to take money from my kids piggy bank and bring the change back up there to the guy and pay for 1 gallon of gas with the change I had to get to work. I was a mess driving here. So I called the bank and had money released from a pending check and now I'm ok. But it was bad this morning. I felt like a worthless turd! I hate that feeling.
S was worried and kept saying he would come home and give me his card but I was running late to work. So I got to work late and no one said anything and if they did, I'm sure I would have broke down in tears.
And that's it. Have a great week. I'll be off and on because it's fair week and of course people are dropping their shit on me because they feel I am the right person for the graphic designs and posters and shit but you know what, I need to be paid like a graphic artist!
