August 21, 2006

Well this weekend was busy. I re-caulked the tub in the bathroom because our landlord, bless his soul, must have hired morons to do the job. They cauled over i ripped it all out and cleaned it and layed fresh caul down. I cleaned the whole upstairs, and it's only the bathroom, our room, the baby's room and the laundry room. Why did it take 8 hours? Because I was in this cleaning mood where everything had to be clean. I literally cleaned each tile in the bathroom. And cauling? I don't caul...I think something is wrong.
I also worked on some business ideas with my girl Carrie. Until we hit it big, can't tell you what it is! But look for us on Forbes in the next year! =)
My preggers friend's baby shower is this weekend. I got the bottles at walmart on sat. the baby picked them out. they are cute. and then we'll fill them with candy and put a tag on them. I also did my jeopardy game. today at lunch I'll run to town and pick up plates and all that shit...I can't wait till this is over so I can go on stressing about something else, like our new business...
School re-starts next week and then the baby goes to kindergarten after labor day. I'm letting my little one leave the nest but she doesn't want to go because #1 she doesn't get to ride the bus, #2 she has to wear a uniform and #3 she doesn't get to buy school supplies. Poor kid. And I think the elementary school by The Nana's house is fine but what do I know? Apparently nothing about our counties schools! Oh well.
Spermboy did not call once the whole week i had the baby. What a loser!
And S and I had a wild day yesterday. I dropped the baby to the nana's house so I could wash the car and S and I had a nice time in our newly cleaned upstairs (minus the baby's room)...he he
Then I picked the baby up in the evening and brought her home. She wanted taco hell so I stopped and the child only wanted the drink and toy from the kids meal and ate my nachos. err. Then we watched the cat in the hat..I hate that movie. It's so dumb.
I also watched swingers on saturday. I love that movie. And Vince is a hottie when he was young. nice body and cute face. What happened?
I'm so money...I love it. It cracks me up. I should buy the movie. I think it's a classic.
And that's really it. It's monday, I'm tired but the weather is gorgeous today! I have no work so I'm slacking off working on business stuff...
Happy Monday to all!
