My letter to S's mom
August 23, 2006

I emailed S's mom this. Share your views please!

So I had a conversation with your son S last night about the difference between girlfriend, wife and mother are because in his mind all women, no matter if you're married or just dating should have food on the table when the man gets home. He stated that every night you made dinner and every night Sam would have dinner, no matter what time he got home. This conversation was because yesterday he called me and I have been sick and he asked if I was making dinner and I said no because I don't feel well and I had ordered chinese at lunch, ate one bite and felt sicker. So he was mad at me because I don't make him dinner every night.

He then proceeds to say where is my mommy? And I said she's in TX, you should move there. He then said he might do that because when he was visiting you made him dinner and did his laundry like a real woman should do.

I then tell him that I am his girlfriend and unlike his wife or mother, I am not here to baby him. I clean the house, I do his laundry and on occassion I cook dinner. I'm off of school for the past 2 weeks and I have been relaxing since work was hell for fair week and then I got sick. I also tell him I don't have a ring on my finger that states we are going to get married and be a family and if I knew where he thought this whole relationship was going, maybe I would be more happy to do more of the things he wants, but I also told him it's not a one way street. I would like him to call me when he's leaving work so if I am making dinner I can know and I would like on the weekends for him to ditch his friends one night and spend it with me and not be out till 5am drinking somewhere.

I told him also if we were married I would most likely cook dinner every night because the baby would be living with us and maybe down the road we have our own children. I told him things would be different if I knew we were heading that direction. he then proceeds to tell me I wouldn't be a good cook anyways because I don't like food, which is true. And then he says that even when I cook I don't try to make it interesting and my cooking isn't that good..or something like that, but he states he was joking because now I'm in tears. He says that it shouldn't matter if we were married or not that I should have dinner on the table every night for my man.

So he drops the subject because he hurt my feelings but I then proceed to ask him where he sees us going, does he see us getting married? Having children? I told him I wanted to have another child before I was 30 because I don't want a huge age difference between the baby and a new child. It's not fair to her and I also don't want to have a kid at 35. I am looking forward to having a life when I turn 50 and being able to retire and live my own life. So he then says his infamous "I don't know". I then ask him again and he's like I have no idea and I tell him I would like to know something to make sure I'm not wasting my time on a relationship that is going to drag on and on with no outcome. I love steven and he knows this and we have been together for over 2 years. The baby has grown attached and thinks he's like her dad already and I don't want to drag her through it if he doesn't plan on getting serious. I don't care if we never get married, but I do want more children and I want the baby to be with us full time. I would rather us be married when we have kids because I would like to change the baby's last name to Steven's so if we do have a child together they both have the same last name. I don't want the baby to feel different. And I told him that I'm tired of being treated like a second rate citizen.

Mimi, I love your son but I have come to the point in uor relationship that I'm not sure what to do anymore. He is contantly out with his friends on the weekend and I'm home alone and he doesn't call and makes me worried. One night I didn't hear from him and I was up till 8am waiting for him the next morning. And he never apologized. It's like when he's with his friends his girlfriend doesn't exist. We act like roomates more than girlfriend and boyfriend. And he doesn't even act like he enjoys my company. Was Sam like this? Did you guys do seperate things all the time? Maybe it's just me but I'm beginning to feel like I'm nothing to him except someone who does his laundry and cleans up after him. Like a maid.

I hate ranting and bitching but since you are his mother you may have some insight into how to deal with S. Like I said I love him dearly but I am beginning to wonder if it's worth all this un needed stress.
Ok enough bitching. I feel so bad coming to you about this because I am just Steven's girlfriend and you are his mother. I apologize if I have stepped over a line but I'm at the end of my rope and just don't know what to do anymore.

Any thoughts? Did I cross the line?
